May. 8, 2015 MORGAN HILL, CA

Laurie Beasley, President, Beasley Direct Marketing
News Facts: Laurie Beasley, President of Beasley Direct Marketing, Inc. was invited by the Western Independent Bankers Association to speak on email marketing at the 2015 Education Summit and Expo, September 21-23, 2015 at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront. Ms. Beasley’s session title will be “Optimizing Email for Desktop and Mobile Viewing: Keeping Email Users Satisfied and Engaged.”
Ms. Beasley’s session will discuss how email marketing is evolving from desktop to mobile viewing. However, financial services in all industries must not stop optimizing for desktop viewing. While 52% of email opens happen from mobile, only 2% click on links in the email from mobile vs. 11% who click from desktop. This means financial institutions must optimize emails for BOTH the desktop and mobile viewing if they are going to maximize click through. This session will cover the essentials of how to make sure desktop email marketing and mobile email marketing are effective no matter where customers are viewing. Also covered are responsive email design and cross browser compatibility.
About us:
Laurie B. Beasley is co-founder and president of Beasley Direct Marketing, Inc. Beasley Direct is a Silicon Valley direct marketing agency that has managed search, email, online, and demand generation campaigns for nearly 100 companies. Ms. Beasley serves as President of the Direct Marketing Association of Northern California Laurie manages the eMarketing Roundtable for the BMA Northern She is also an instructor of online marketing at UC Berkeley Extension and teaches for the Online Marketing Institute Ms. Beasley frequently speaks on online marketing and demand generation topics for marketing organizations, including the DMA, BMA, AMA, Tech Council, and the Online Marketing Summit.
Beasley Direct Marketing, Inc. is known for bringing the latest marketing strategies to online and direct marketing. Beasley Direct provides services in email marketing, search engine optimization, social media, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, website design, media planning, direct mail marketing, lead generation and nurture campaigns, and database management. Beasley Direct Marketing, Inc. helps clients in both B2B and B2C marketing. Beasley Direct Marketing is privately held and headquartered in the Silicon Valley suburb, Morgan Hill, California. For more information, go to or call Laurie Beasley, President, at 408-782-0046 x21 or email
Western Independent Bankers was established in 1937 and is the premier networking and educational organization for community banks in the West, connecting leaders from a wide geographical area to engage in focused exchanges of experiences that typically don’t take place elsewhere. WIB informs, educates and connects community banks with the resources and services to achieve the highest standards of personal and organizational performance. WIB has 180 bank members and 130 community bank service providers.
Laurie B. Beasley
Ph: 408-782-0046 x21
Fx: 408-782-9604