Google Analytics data is trusted by Fortune 500 and 100 companies, it’s the most widely used and it’s free. In this video various screens will be introduced and described, and terminology defined. What constitutes a visit, what is a cookie, what information does a cookie capture, how long does a cookie last, what are Page Views, what pages should be measured, what’s a bounce, how do I set up goals, and what industry benchmarks are available to compare your site?

John Thyfault, VP, Search Engine & Social Media Marketing, Beasley Direct and Online Marketing, Inc.

A Google Analytics Overview

Google Analytics data is trusted by Fortune 500 and 100 companies, it’s the most widely used and it’s free. In this video various screens will be introduced and described, and terminology defined. What constitutes a visit, what is a cookie, what information does a cookie capture, how long does a cookie last, what are Page Views, what pages should be measured, what’s a bounce, how do I set up goals, and what industry benchmarks are available to compare your site?