Mobile Website Design & Optimization
The mobile revolution caught many marketers by surprise. Mobile connectivity was an afterthought: if customers could see an ad and call you on their mobile phones, so much the better. When smartphones came along, it was a bonus that they could see your website in miniature form.
Soon the majority of web visits will initiate on mobile devices, and mobile devices are increasingly the primary platform for many users. Today, the lack of mobile friendly website design can cost you clicks, customers and dollars. On the other hand, a mobile friendly website properly constructed by a professional mobile web developer can build a business through click-to-call, localization and other mobile-specific services.
If you’re just getting started in mobile, Beasley (as a seasoned mobile development company) can help you design and build a site that follows best practices in responsive design and will serve you well for years to come. If you need to upgrade your existing site, Beasley’s mobile web developers can show you the problem areas and give you tactical mobile website design suggestions to fix them quickly while making sure new pages and campaigns are mobile-friendly.
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