How We Cleaned Up MarkMonitor Salesforce Leads and Assignment Rules

Project Details

Project Description

Mark Monitor Corporate BrandsMarkMonitor develops software intended to protect corporate brands from Internet counterfeiting, fraud, piracy, and cybersquatting. Our client arrived at MarkMonitor as a new director of marketing and discovered that the leads database in Salesforce was full of duplicates, undeliverable emails, and inconsistent data.

We took all 360,000 leads and performed several data hygiene routines to de-duplicate, remove un-deliverables or in-actives, standardize field values, and append industry data to the leads. We then revised lead assignment rules and trained sales on the process for converting leads to opportunities and or accounts.

Is your Salesforce optimized? If not, you’re losing leads, sales and revenue. Beasley’s experts can help meet and exceed your company’s goals. Call a Beasley expert today.