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How Can Your Web Pages Rank Well for Voice Search SEO?

How are Voice Search and Mobile-first Design Related?

One of the ranking factors of Mobile-first search engine optimization (SEO) are voice searches. Voice searches are unique as searchers usually ask a question, like, “Where can I get the nearest pizza?”, or “What should I include in my kit?”. Whether your company is B2C (business-to-consumer) or B2B (business-to-business) searchers can find your site by asking questions about products and services. How can you monetize voice search on your revenue generating pages? Read more.

Making Money from Voice Search Terms

Remember your FAQ page? What if instead of landing on your FAQs searchers went directly to a product or service page? Your web page would answer their question and offer a product or service, with a compelling call-to-action (CTA); this will help increase your leads, sales and ROI. How are questions added to pages? Keep reading….

There are several ways to add questions to pages. One is within content, as in the above paragraph. You can add questions to the META titles or description, the slug, headlines, at the bottom of the page, almost anywhere. But, you want the questions and answers to be conspicuous. Stick to headlines, or a cluster of Q&A’s at the bottom of the page. Now you know where to place your page-by-page Q&A’s, so how do you get the questions?

Three quick sources for questions:

  1. Search on a keyword. Google and other search engines sometimes list the most popular questions just below the first search results.
  2. SpyFu (the free version). Type a keyword into the Keyword Research box and check the Questions box on the right-hand-side.
  3. If no questions are found in search or tools, ask your teams (sales, front-end, etc…). They’ll have great insight!

Keep the question answers to two or three keyword rich sentences. Use the keywords focused on your product of service page’s content. You should see an increase in traffic to your pages.

By Andy Hoover, Manager, Search Engine and Social Media Marketing for Beasley Direct and Online Marketing, Inc.

Andy has over 20-years’ experience with SEO and paid digital advertising, successfully creating, implementing and managing campaigns for SMBs to Fortune 500’s.

Is your business website meeting goals? It’s time for an SEO audit. Contact us and we’ll give a free audit with consultation.

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How Can Your Web Pages Rank Well for Voice Search?
One of the ranking factors of Mobile-first search engine optimization (SEO) are voice searches. Voice searches are unique as searchers usually ask a question, like, “Where can I get the nearest pizza?”, or “What should I include in my kit?”. Whether your company is B2C (business-to-consumer) or B2B (business-to-business) searchers can find your site by asking questions about products and services. How can you monetize voice search on your revenue generating pages? Read more.
Beasley Direct and Online Marketing, Inc.
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